What Sets Invisalign Apart from Traditional Braces?

Straight teeth can improve your smile and enhance your oral health. Orthodontic treatment can help straighten your teeth, improving your overall appearance. If you need orthodontic treatment, you can choose between traditional braces and Invisalign®. Both options are effective and beneficial for creating a beautifully aligned smile.

Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that involves the use of clear removable aligners. The custom-made aligners apply gentle pressure, gradually shifting the teeth into the desired position. They are made from smooth, comfortable plastic, which makes them more pleasing than traditional metal braces. The aligners provide a convenient and discreet approach to teeth straightening.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces have been present for decades. They offer a practical option for straightening teeth. Braces have brackets that attach to each tooth connected by wires. The wires apply pressure to the teeth, shifting them into alignment.

Traditional braces offer a long-term solution for individuals who need to address various dental issues. They are a productive option for individuals who require significant or complex orthodontic correction.

What Sets Invisalign Apart

Several factors make Invisalign aligners the most attractive option for those seeking to improve their smile. The aligners have several benefits, including:

  • The aligners are discreet and virtually invisible. They do not have wires or brackets.
  • Invisalign is comfortable. The smooth plastic will not injure the inner lips or cheeks.
  • Invisalign is removable. You take out the aligners to eat and brush your teeth.
  • The clear aligners are strong, making them highly effective.
  • Invisalign does not stain. You remove the aligners before eating or drinking.
  • The treatment is affordable. It is comparable to that of traditional braces.
  • With no adjustments to deal with, you spend less time in the orthodontist’s chair.
  • Availability of 3D planning means you can see what your smile will look like after treatment.

Invisalign treatment is effective for most malocclusions. The aligners are suitable for any lifestyle. You do not have to make major adjustments to your lifestyle or habits during treatment. Your orthodontist will help to determine whether Invisalign is right for you.


Effectiveness of Invisalign

Clear aligners are a convenient way to straighten teeth. They offer a shorter treatment time than traditional braces. For optimal results, you must use Invisalign as instructed.

You must wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily. You should only remove them to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. Leaving them out for longer will slow the treatment process. Ensure you switch out the trays every week or every two weeks as instructed.

Treatment Duration

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies for individuals, depending on their dental condition. On average, the aligners have a shorter treatment time than traditional braces. Commitment and consistency are essential for effective treatment. Patients must follow the recommended wear time during the duration.

Invisalign uses advanced technology to correct teeth misalignments. The aligners are effective for fixing dental problems. When choosing orthodontic treatment, consider the following:

  • Your lifestyle.
  • Budget.
  • Severity of your dental condition.

For more on the difference between Invisalign and traditional braces, visit Seaport Dental Associates. Our offices are in Boston and Milton, Massachusetts. Call (617) 737-6453 or (617) 690-3205 to book an appointment today.

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